The table was full, but I was only stopping by to get a few chips. I asked if I could buy and leave and I was asked how many. I said 2 $5's and 10 $1's. The gal went out to the alley (where smoking is still permitted) and asked someone there if it was OK to sell. The answer was yes, and I didn't bother to ask if they had any unused/uncirculated chips!
Scanned below is the $1 (same on both sides), very worn and very dirty. Also shown is both sides of a $5 chip that is in-use. It is from the Macon County Poker Casino, Bakersfield, CA ('74 - '77), but is now living a second life at the Central Coast Casino.
ATTENTION Dick Staeffler, if you are reading this, the $1 chip you show in your wonderfull guide as being from the "Central Coast Casino" in Grover Beach, CA is in-use at the Paso Robles location. I don't know if your guide is in error, but that $1 chips reflects "Spring Street - Paso Robles, CA" which is where I was.
Here are three shots of the poker club I took last weekend:
Again, they are rather worn and grungy, but I have few of the $1 chips as traders. Email me if interested.
Thanks for looking,