My wife and I just returned from Las Vegas! We stayed, as usual, at the Rio but I spent some time playing Pai Gow and Blackjack at The New Frontier! The place was a little quiet in anticipation of closing! It was 114F degrees yesterday! Too hot to get in and out of the car, even w/Valet parking!
As usual, I left a few dollars to help Las Vegas grow but had a great time doing it, including a SPECTACULAR dinner at "Top Of The World" restaurant (at the top of the Stratosphere). If you have not eaten there, do it at least once in your lifetime. The restaurant rotates 360 degrees every hour and twenty minutes. When it is clear (as it was last night) it is a special place to have an elegant dinner. Very romantic too, as my wife and I eat there every trip!
Brought home a few chips, mostly $1 and $2.50 New Frontiers, and a few others.
As I will not be able to be at the Convention this year, I hope you all have a great time and ALL THE FUN you can handle!
Rich Hodges