I'm happy to see that there is now a permanent on-line record available for all new members to refer in seeking historical data and answers to their various questions where the CCCGCC came from and its development. To look over the many, many, names of all those past & present club members who have contributed to the success of the club over the past 19 years is simply amazing. More amazing, and as equally important, are the many more names of those members whose names do NOT appear anywhere in print. Those countless numbers of unselfish volunteers who have contributed behind the scenes with little or no official recognition and who did it simply for their love of their hobby and their support for the club. Unpaid volunteers, all of them, which is the real success story of CCGTCC. Folks who have served on committees where the Chairman of the committee received the accolades, but the grunt work was often done by some of the lesser known names..., unfortunately in some cases, unrecorded names which have been forgotten over the gap of time and history.
Thank you all for your past contributions to this wonderful organization!!