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The Chip Board Archive 17

NCR - Saturday Nite Poker

If you're looking for a fun game of NL poker on Saturday nights, visit

I've played with these guys for about three years now, and they're a lot of fun, just like playing cards with most of you. The first two years I finished second place in what is called the TLB tourneys. Those two lasted 15 weeks each. This year, after a 20 week schedule, I finally got out of the bridesmaids position...

Saturday nights, 8:00 pm EST - Poker Stars - $10.00 bucks a night - all regular PS rules apply, and, the winner gets not only braggin' rights, but a pretty decent trophy as well...

TLB IV starts this Saturday night. All ya need to do is go to the website, follow the link, register at Acescracked so you get the passwords, and show up Saturday nite...Hope to see ya there -

Copyright 2022 David Spragg