Re: Jay, I have been in the Engr and Construction

Doug, things are VERY different out here. To me, it seems like they think it is the price of doing a job. That is such bullsh!! I have worked on some of the largest Industrial and some of the most dangerous jobs all over the country and never had a fatality on some of them. I would have to say that a lot of this out here is just careless workers. They think they are in a controlled environment. Kinda like when you go to the Grand Canyon and people think you can stand at the edge of the canyon and nothing could possibly happen to you. I was also taught that ALL accidents can be avoided. For the most part I am in agreement. I must say that working in the South is COMPLETELY different than working out West. We always look out for our Brothers (and Sisters), but out here, people are too busy looking out for themselves and worrying about their housepmt to care what is going on around them....Just one workers opinion.......No amt of money is worth losing your life over.......