Been reading all the posts
and I to am on the fence as to joining the club. I am a member of the A.C. Collectors Club and went to my first meeting last month. I enjoyed myself and met lots of nice people. After reading all the posts I am no longer on the fence. Its encouraging to see the support the other members have for new members and how welcome they make them feel. Many clubs tend to be "clickish" if thats a aword but I dont see that here. I will be sending my completed application to Ralph Myers as soon as I finish posting here.
I wont be able to attend the convention this year but its definately on my list in 2008. I have one question though, has anyone thought of a mini-convention here in the east for those of us who cant make the "big" one in Las Vegas? Is that where the majority of the membership is located? I can get to Atlantic City easier as most people here on the east coast. Perhaps some consideration should be given to an A.C. mini convention. It sounds like you have so much fun at the "big" one. Why not a mini? I am sure it has been discussed before and there is a perfectly good answer.
I am off to the Post Office to mail my application. These posts have been a great help in helping me make my decision.