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The Chip Board Archive 17

Vineyard Casino/UV question

OK, pros, I need some help again. 1) What is the best way to tell a repro Vineyard chip from a real one? I was told a UV light would be the best way to go, but I have a small keyring unit, and while it will cause inserts to fluoresce, it does not reveal the top hat/cane or the word "Paulson" on the chip. I have almost 40 Vineyard chips assembled from various sources, and not a single one exhibits the additional markings, and I'm pretty sure at least 4 of them are real. So here are my additional questions:

2) Is there any way to tell by visual inspection a real Vineyard from the fakes?
3) Does the absence of additional security markings automatically mean it is a fake, or could it be real?
4) What is the configuration of inserts on the real chips? Some of mine have four inserts, some three.
5) If a stronger or special type of UV light is needed, can anyone recommend a model and source for one?

Thanks in advance for your time and trouble helping me out.

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Vineyard Casino/UV question
Re: Vineyard Casino/UV question
Re: Vineyard Casino/UV question
What I use at home.
Re: Fakes? Do you mean there were fake Paulsons?
Re: Fakes? Do you mean there were fake Paulsons?
Re: Fakes? Do you mean there were fake Paulsons?
Re: Vineyard Casino/UV question

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