The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 17

How many days Mr. Splashbar???

I am SO ready to be there! vbg

....Waking up at 6:00am too excited to sleep. Putting on shorts, T-shirt and running shoes to hike the strip for an hour or two before my wife wakes up, grabbing slot cards, TITO's and chips as I go....

....Loading up my carry-bag for the day...(Do I take the TCR or leave it in the room? Do I have a ZIPLOC bag handy for the folks stuck back home?...

....Getting my instructions from Brenda Black and meeting the other registration desk volunteers and then spending a couple of hours putting faces to the names I've read all year on the Chip Board as they stop by to pick up their preregistration packets and ask questions...

....Grabbing a quick snack in the Riviera food court between volunteering at the registration desk and cruising the dealer's tables....

....Checking out who's hanging at The Splashbar (or whatever the heck they're calling it now)...

....Saying 'Hello' to other club members as I pass them in the hallway on the way to the showroom...

....Hitting each dealer's table at least three times to make sure I don't miss anything....

....Spending hours digging through each dealer's "junk box" until I've made sure no treasure is left behind, no chip left unturned....

...Taking a break for some video poker and libations at The Splashbar (or whatever the heck they're calling it now)...

...Meeting my wife at the assigned meeting place and finding out how much damage was done at the Fashion Show Mall while I was otherwise distracted...

...Enjoying dinner with my spouse and listening to stories of bargains attained while I try not to betray my thoughts about what chips I need to concentrate on finding the next morning at 10:00 am....

....Getting up and doing it all over again. grin

Messages In This Thread

How many days Mr. Splashbar???
Re: Mark I gotta bag "o" goodies for ya!
Re: Mark I gotta bag "o" goodies for ya!
Re: will do Mark! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg