As you may know, Cindy got sick on our cruise to Alaska and had to stay in the hospital for 7 days. When we returned she was doing OK but still needed time to recover. A day or so after we got back she started having dizzy spells and I just wasn't in the mood for screwing around again so off to the hospital we went. Cindy went to Vanderbilt here in Nashville where they ran all types of tests trying to see what was wrong. Fortunately the verdict was that they couldn't find anything wrong with her. She had scans done, stress test, etc. and when the end of the day came they didn't have a spare room for her so she had to stay overnite in the ER. She finally got out after about 30 hours.
Here is the contest part. It is open to members of CC>CC only. You must have your name and membership number to enter and the person closest to the actual cost for the 30 hour hospital bill including hospital lab charges(and only the hospital bill - not including any extra doctors bills, etc.) will win the three chips shown here. The Lac Vieux chip is long obsolete and a very nice chip. The contest will be open until 9:00PM tonite CDT. Respond with your guess in the subject line, one entry per person. If this works out to be fun for me I may do it again when we get the bill from Alaska. It must be a big one since it has been almost a month now and we still have not gotten it.