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The Chip Board Archive 17
If it still doesn't work, it's important....
In Response To:
I just bought a UV light and...
to know whether it's long wave or short wave UV. If you can see the light and it doesn't illuminate the UV marker of a known UV chip then you've probably got the wrong wavelength UV lamp.
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I just bought a UV light and...
4 Q's 41st Ann / Palms 2nd Don Lewis
Try the Wynn chips
Michael is correct... Any Wynn chip!
Also, darn near any current Paul-Son issue.
Jim, Not So on these
Jim, Not So on these
UV Chip Pics
Patrick, Just checked again, &
I need to play catch-up here...
Got any cats or dogs??
Re: I just bought a UV light and...
I just came out of the closet.
i wasnt thinking that
If it still doesn't work, it's important....
If anyone need a UV light with
Re: All NV Chips On House...
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