I played in a WSOP Main Event satellite yesterday at Fort McDowell and got stupid about half way through so I had some time on my hands and did not feel like some live play so I decided to see if anything new was going on at the other Phoenix area casinos.
My first stop was Casino Arizona Indian Bend. I was walking around picking up slot cards when I passed a blackjack table and the chips were new and different! Off I went to the cage to get a couple racks so I could pick out some nice chips. On the way there every table I passed had the same old worn out chips. So I do an about face and go back to the table with the new chips and what do I find? They are all NCV chips! It is a training table for blackjack newbies. I ask the dealer if I can have some of the chips. He can not grasp the concept of someone wanting NCV chips and says no. I go to the pit boss and she is a step up, but also says no. What do? I fantasize about grabbing a set and making dash for my car. Trouble is there are six blackjack tables a restaurant and four security guards between me and the door and my car is in the far end of the parking lot. Time for a new plan! Aha, there is another Casino Arizona on McKelleps. If there is a training table here there must be one there. There is! Plan B, look ignorant and sit down for a class. Not hard for me after all it will be type casting. There is beautiful young Asian girl dealing and I am having fun acting dumb and joking with the girl, but how to distract her long enough to get some chips. Luckily for me this good looking Asian guy passing by notices the fun and I get him to sit and play. I suspect he needs the class about as much as Sanford Wong, but the girl has got his attention and she is not unhappy about having him in the game. The girl gave me a stack of $5 chips to start the game and I have been playing $15 a hand hoping for blackjacks so I can get some $1s and 50¢ chips, but I can not a blackjack to save my life while the Asian guy seems to get them every other hand. I finally get a blackjack and I know I will need more to cover any $1 and 50¢ chips that disappear, when the dealer takes our chips and gives us the sales pitch for their blackjack tournaments. She gives us each a couple hundred in red and green and says we will have a tournament. I am still playing $15 to get some $1 and 50¢ chips while the guys is playing big, buy he goes broke before I can get some blackjacks. The girl goes on brake and I head to the parking lot with just two $5 chips.
I move down to Gila River Wild Horse Pass to get some of their new slot cards. Along with the new yellow card I get $5 for signing up again, help with gas money.

They have added three card poker and Let It Ride, but no Pai Gow.
My last stop was Reflections Bingo to get a few Back Room chips. All the chips I collected there are spoken for.
Greg has first refusal on this chip. The 50¢, $1. and $25 are even better looking.