I'm trying to overcome a SEVERE case of laziness by posting a few interesting items from the Tunica / Robinsonville Mississippi area. The photo below is a $25 promotional chip that Fitzgerald's (now advertised as "Fitz") Casino issued a few months ago. The chip is larger in diameter than a "normal" chip; it's actually the size of Fitz's $1000 chips. I don't know how many were made, but I received coupons in the mail that I had to redeem on a certain day. The coupon was exchanged for the special chip, and then you could use the chip to bet on any table game. If the bet won the promotional chip was exchanged for a "real" chip of the same denomination. The promotional chip was then taken out of play! I don't know why they made special chips when they could've just let a person use the coupon as a free play, but I'm not complaining!
I've been watching for this chip to appear on
and I haven't seen it on either site. After the first month I never received any more coupons so I assume they only ran the promotion for a month. I suspect this chip will be EXTREMELY hard to find, if it isn't already. I'd be interested to know if any of the Tunica gamblers out there has seen this chip or received a promotional coupon for it!