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The Chip Board Archive 17
Look at this
In Response To:
and one other thing we are all tried of
Don't worry about the car. You need to find the info and post it to put an end to this.
Can you see the car now?????
Messages In This Thread
Joe Plavik "3rd Request" Please Answer
you are still a big loser David kolanda you
Just answer the question PalVIK
here the anwer dummy [ david kolanda]
Re: here the anwer dummy [ david kolanda]
they say the mind is the first to go
Re: they say the mind is the first to go
and one other thing we are all tried of
Look at this
any body who's on the board regularly
Re: any body who's on the board regularly
wake up David kolanda , get
i don't like it
Well I do like it
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