The Sheriff decides she has medical reasons to be released to home confinement. In Calif, the sheriff may have that authority under the law, but even so, what medical issue did she have?
I have had clients who went to jail, or prison who have had heart disease, cancer, aids, lung ailments, assorted other medical and psychological issues. Being sick is not a justification for avoiding legitimate incarceration. From what I could tell, she was sick from being in the bad jail. Last I checked, jail is supposed to suck. If it was fun, what kind of deterrent would it be. Paris on house arrest is the equivelant of sending a child to his room where he has a TV, stereo, videogame, phone, and a fridge. It is a stupid waste of time.
If I were a lawyer in that county, I would be runing docs in and out of that jail for every client, till the Sheriff wanted to put me in a cell. Then I would begin filing motions till the Judge was about ready to let him. They are setting themselves up to be inundated. If you break the rules and get probation, count your blessings, don't violate. If you violate, then don't cry for your mommy when they haulo your a$$ off the jail.