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The Chip Board Archive 17

Joe Pavlik-Read This

You made a remark to Chuck Tomarchio about him not being interested in intelligent discussion when he made it clear he had no desire to speak to you. This coming on the heals of another round of non statements or insults from you, directed at a variety of people. I personally am an advocate of intelligent discussion. But intelligent discussion is not what I have seen from you on the board, recently or during the campaign.

But I wish to be fair. So please take a breath, organize your thoughts, and then outline in a clear, reasonable and rational manner what you feel is wrong with the club (or its direction or its leadership). Please include specific examples where applicable, refrain from personal attacks or insults, and provide whatever evidence or refereces you have to support your positions.

I note you were asked to do this many times during the campaign, and to my knowledge, you never did so. Other than assorted swipes at individuals during the campaign, I am unaware of any platform or indivual positions forwarded by you. The election is over, but perhaps you may have an idea that would benefit the club. Several members have applauded Jim Follis' campaign, not only for its class, but for a couple of the individual ideas proposed by him.

Take this opportunity to show that you aren't the joke candidate that so may people are portaying you as. You said you weren't afraid to stand up, OK, then do so now, take the high road and lay it out for us.

Regardless if you accept this opportunity, please stop making the insulting or threatening comments, it is unacceptable.

Messages In This Thread

Joe Pavlik-Read This
sad Fat chance of any real reply sad
Re: sad Fat chance of any real reply sad
vbg Thanks Neil vbg
WHY wash off all that history?
Re: WHY wash off all that history?
I would also clean it!
vbg I agree & will not vbg
I hope you wash history off your body each day

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