Sorry this took so long to get posted. I typed real slowly so Joe could read it.
You say, you never called anyone names that did not start it first. Explain Terry’s post where he talked about going on vacation, and you stated how many, of our wife’s were fat, overweight, child bearing 300 pounders, and many members could not afford to go to the places you visit.
Please go back into the archives and post the name calling post which will be time stamped, along with your above referenced post to show all who called you all these bad things to make you insult a great number of members and their families. I don’t think we will every see the requested info, as I’m a firm believer it does not exist. You made those A$$ININE statements without being provoked. “IF I’M WRONG, I’ll APOLIGIZE”
One other thing you should consider is making threats to some of these boys. It would appear they don’t give a chit about you childhood wrestling skills, and the last person I would be making threats to is a person who is going to die from terminal non operable brain, cancer. Messing with the brain can do funny things, and you never know what might set that person off and what the outcome might be.
I’m sure dealing with the fact that someone ran a contest as to how many votes you would get was disturbing enough. But it really pissed you off when I hit it on the head, at 27. ( A PILE OF COW DUNG COULD HAVE GOTTEN MORE THEN 27 VOTES)
I don’t see us having a face-to-face discussion anytime soon. It looks like you have a long line of people to take on at the convention. I hope to make it there as there will be so many good people there, but you will not be on my list of people to look up. The two times you were at the Chicago Land Chippers meeting were enough for me (AND OTHERS.)
YOU WILL NOT BE ATTENDING THE JULY 15TH CHIPPERS MEETING. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME AT OUR HOUSE. Add that to the 3 emails from members saying they will not attend if you are going to be there made the decision very easy.
You need to get some help, professional help for your problems. You blame them all on someone else. If it weren't me it would just be the next in line YOU BLAME.