re:convention....your personal topic now:I will not know about the convention until I am finished my provincial lawn bowling championships on the 22-24th of June.If we win....and we have a strong team so we can....we will be going to the Canadian championships in Quebec the same time that the convention is on.
If we do not win,then I will decide that day as to what to do.
So far,we have a trip scheduled to Vegas last week of October and first week of November AND....we are also planning on coming down for a 5 weeks in late January till the end of February but we will only be in Vegas for half the time and Arizona for the other half.
Because of those scheduled I mentioned before.....I have to financially justify coming down for a few days in August.It is actually a huge pain for us to fly down to the USA right now simple due to rising airline costs as well as border/security issues...passports etc.Easier to drive but.....I have a dog and Vegas with a dog in the summer is NOT a good idea.
We shall see.As much as I would love to go to the Canadian championships all expenses paid....tsk....the show...the members...the poker...the everything...oh man.....**sigh**
And as another aside...I like the look of your personal chip.Once I get my act together and get my chips organized and on display,my next move will be to get some personal chips done so that I can repay those whom have sent me theirs.