With all due respect to the Eastern, Mid-Western and West Coast folks ... Vegas is where it's happening baby! They have the most reasonable hotel room rates that are available on weekends, economical food and show discounts, ample convention facilities required, and the convenient transportation modes (airlines in particular). The number of willing volunteers it takes to put on a show the size of the CC & GTCC Conventions must also be figured into the mix, not to mention the NON-COLLECTING SPOUSES, many of whom attend the Las Vegas conventions just to accomodate the collector. I personally don't think the same level of enthusiasm is there for holding a convention in other parts of the country. As well-done as the Palms shows have been in the past, I believe that Gene will confirm that the dismal attendance was the prime reason for it's demise. Does anyone honestly think that a show in, oh ... let's say, Omaha would draw similar crowds? Would that change in venue inspire more members to take an interest in their organization and vote??
How about logistics in moving all of the club's convention materials accross country. Just imagine packing up literally hundreds of show cases as just ONE example ... and shipping them back to Las Vegas after the show is over. Who is going to do that WORK? Has anyone checked the temperature in Las Vegas the past couple of days??
Why change a formula that is successful?? "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I would love to see a club convention held in Atlantic City where 1/3 the population of the U.S. resides within a 300-mile radius (an easy driving range) ... but it just ain't going to happen ... for all the above reasons!
Just this one man's opinion.