Re: disappointing, but not surprising.
I do agree with your analysis and might add that the divirsity in collecting interests works against the unity of the club. My primary interest is obsolete California chips. Nevada is only secondary to me. I know many who are as passionate about what they collect as I am about California. However, our national organization is so overwhelmingly centered on Nevada chips and collectibles. I was appalled at last years club auction to find not one California chip being offered. I went to the trade session instead of the auction. That is a rarity for me. I would love to someday see a board structure that maybe included a vice president of California, S. Dakota, New Jersey, Colorado and/or any area that represents a substantial number of our memberships interest. An article from each in the club magazine letting us know what is happening in those areas would be nice. Since Nevada is of the higest interest to most collectors, how about the convention always be there, but also have another chip show, sponsored by the club to be held in December or January and it be held in California one year and then move to one of the other states that has a large percentage of our membership, and rotate that way. The local chippers would love it and might be inclined to become more active in the club. The states could compete to see who could make thier show the best etc. It would also provide a forum for our elected officer to meet face to face more than just once a year. Just my thoughts.