Bad Beat Month...GRRRRR!!

Last 7 tourneys and the sick beats I have had:
Bubble time in tourney 1.I have pocket K's.Blinds are $5000-$10,000 and I am in the cutoff with $65,000.Nine players.Fold,fold,fold,fold,fold,I call,dealer raises to $20,000 to put the pot at $35,000,both blinds fold and I raise all in with my $55,000 to make the pot $70,000.The dealer thinks for maybe 20 seconds and calls me with a K-9!!! The flop is 2-5-Q and then runner runner 9's!
Next tourney 2:I flop a straight flush and am betting it pretty hard to give the impression that I am trying to steal.Three players see the flop.Nothing there.Again I bet strongly and one player calls.The turn comes up an Ace.I check,hoping that this card had helped him.He goes all in.WHOOOPPPEE! I call and he turns over a flopped ROYAL FLUSH!!!
Next Tourney 3: Bad cards all night but I wind up with a full house on the turn.I bet the Aces strong on the flop and the turn but get called by one player.I have Pocket Aces and the board is A-K-4-4.A queen comes up on the river and I push all and I get called by pocket 4's for quads!!!
Tourney 4:Can this get worse I think?..I have 5-6 clubs in the dealer position.Lots of limpers so I raise half the pot to try and take it down right there.I get 4 callers(7 players).The flop is 7 9 of clubs and an Ace Hearts.Everyone checks to me and I once again bet but this time I bet the pot.I get one caller.The turn is a beauty...the 8 clubs...and I have the straight flush!!.The other player bets minimum and I call.The river comes up A clubs and I have put this guy on a draw and this has given him a flush.Sure enough,he goes all in and I am a happy guy and I call.He turns over the 10-J of clubs and I lose again with a straght flush!!!
Tourney 5:Cash game:I have AK and am first to act.Blinds are 2-4.I bet 4 times the blind and get 4 callers.The flop is AK-4.I bet the pot this time and get two callers. The turn is an Ace and now I have a FH.Once again I bet it hard and get one caller this time and am wondering what in the hell would this guy have.The River is a 4.I go all in and get called immediately...yep...he hit his 4th 4 on the river!!I am almost in tears....cause I have lost to Quad 4's twice in only 3 games!!
Tourney 6:Cash game:This is the sickest of all because I have had 5 horrendous beats in as many nights.I have AK diamonds and am first to act(UTG).I bet $15 and get called by several(5) players(it is loose at this table).The flop is J-9-6 of diamonds.I have flopped the nut flush.SWEET!! I check and one player bets $30 and gets two callers then it comes to me.There is about $175 in the pot.I think...hmmmm...looks like someone is going for a FH here so I am going to try and end this now and I bet my last $275 all in.Two players fold and one guy sits for what seems like 10 minutes and decides to call me,and,as he turns his cards over he tells me that he has a straight flush draw!!!.All that money for a chance at a straight flush??? So...he turns over his 7-8 of diamonds.The turn is a nothing and....uhuh...the 5 of diamonds on the river!!
Finally...tourney 7:Crappy cards all night in a tourney where blinds are up every 20 minutes.I have not voluntarily played a hand all night and only have about $1400 in chips(started with $5,000).Finally,with the blinds at $300-600,I get a half decent hand to play with A-Q suited spades.Three people limp in before me and I go all in for my $1400.I get 5 callers!!! Flop is A-7-2.Check,check,check,check and then some clown bets $2,000 into a dry side pot.Everyone gets annoyed and they all fold so it is just him and me.He turns over an A-4!!!??? Turn is a J and of course the river is a 4!!!.
Suicide is my first thought when this card hits.Players whom I have played against for several years look at me and shake their heads as they have never seen such bad beats in a row going to one person.
Now....I ask you all out there.Have you had streaks of horrible luck where you can't seem to get a break?AND...if you do or when you did you cope with it?I ask,because,if this was a movie or a book,I would not believe what has happened over the past two months or so.These are 7 that I remember only because they all happened one right after the other but there have been several more since Vegas in January and I am beside myself.
The strange thing,is that I am still up on the year despite all of this nonsense.