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The Chip Board Archive 17

NCR--Gotta love the old paper...

stuff grin

Got a small LV publication in the mail today, from August 8, 1947. Among the little blurbs and bits of gossip:

"HOWARD HUGHES was no less caught at the LAST FRONTIER, with a dear, on Mon. eve. It seems he was a little off his beaten path. (However, he is now gone with the wind!!!)"

"Glad to hear MARGARET "JESSIE" JAMES, of the CINNABAR, black eye is turning to a pretty Navy Blue----(all sailors take note!!!) She claims she ran into a door, the hard way----it says here in very small print."

"Everyone seems to be meeting, greeting, and beating the PIONEER CLUB the past few days. Well, friendly FARMER PAIGE just tells ERNIE, TOUCHY, and CHARLIE "El Ropo, ropo" BLAKE to pay all the happy winners in style, with a smile. Great Club, great owners "happy-pappy" dealers and wide awake shills--plus double odds on craps makes your play really worth while. (Heads that are clear choose the PIONEER corner of 1st & FREMONT)"

"If you want your feet trampled and your bets slung at you when you win, try the MONTE CARLO CLUB. It is so cold inside an eskimo is the only one who can feel at home and the noise is like the exploding of an atomic bomb. Why so many, many, people go to "CHICK" Fuzzy-Wuzzy's FECHSER'S MONTE CARLO CLUB is a mystery of the day."

"There is a sign on the now closed TIVOLI BAR on 1st St.----'Closed for 10 days---too hot'!!!"

Messages In This Thread

NCR--Gotta love the old paper...
vbg Pam, That's great stuff vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg