"Chippin Away at the Gambling Scene of Saratoga"

Its a perfect bound Book in full Color concerning all the Illegal Casinos of Saratoa Springs from the 20s thru the 50s including Color pics of all the related Chips, pics of the Casinos themselves,Histories of all owners and pics and Histories of the Mafia Mobsters who ran them, matchbooks, menus, bills, sheetmusic,all the generic chips used and tons of background information. If interested send check or money order for $34.95 plus $3 for shipping in a padded envelope to Richard Carbin, 7 Stratton Street, Saratoga Springs N.Y.12866. I have been inside all these Casinos many times and spent hours and hours writing of my experiences and detailing memorabalia. You can call me also at (518)225-0058 or I will e-mail you pics.