Location not known in "The Gaming Table". It is a Small Key mold and there are no known records on the company, BC Wills, that made the chips.
What is the initials on the 2nd chip top row. It looks like a Hub mold RWK but the scan is dark and I can't tell for sure. Records do exist on it.
Here is a sight for initial chips on several different molds.
BTW I spent many a day in the Merchants Club. It was run by Martin Miller and Red Masterson, both members on the Cleveland Syndicate. Martin is the person that got me into chip collecting. It closed roughly 1961 along with 150 other Northern KY illegal joints.
Red Masterson was not a nice guy. He burned Beverly Hills Country Club the first time it burned killing a caretakers daughter because the Cleveland Syndicate wanted it. They got it after the fire.