-Ben Carr, who gave me my first chip, which gave me my poker nickname: my $1 Midnight Rose;
-Andi Welch, who traded with me when I didn't really have much to trade, and who told me where to find the Chip Guide 3rd edition for a great price;
-Jim Follis, who I consider my chipper godfather. I still remember my first trade with him: his $1/$2.50/$5 new release Casino del Sol set for a $1 chip of mine that I had no idea was worth more than $1! I was very impressed that he didn't take advantage of my newbieness back then, and continue to be impressed with his depth of chip knowledge;
-and last but not least, Eric Weijroch, for being a great MTPL host, for looking out for rose chips for me, and for being an all-around cool guy.