Wow, where to begin...
Thanks to my ex, who got me into this hobby! Thanks to Greg Susong for the Chip Board, where I first found chipping and where I used to race home from work every day to read the posts of Gene Trimble and the late Dr. Bob Ginsburg (FL). Thanks to Archie Black, Dr. Allen Meyers, Michael Knapp, Gene Trimble, Rich Hanover, Mark Engelbretson and the minyans of others who have willingly shared knowledge with those of us who truly have no clue. Thanks to all of the current and previous Club officers and volunteers who work so hard on a daily basis to keep our Club going and make our convention a marvelous place to be. Thank you to Mike Heron, for being the other unofficial charter member of our unofficial Coachella Valley chip collector's club. Thank you to Doug Saito, who slways knows the best places to eat in any town. Thanks for being my friend, to Tyrus, Katie, Jay, and Wayne. And thank you to Aaron, for letting me drive and park your scooter at the convention last year.