I read the post/s below about using this method and had been trying to find a place that would deliver this material to me. I finally found a place to sell me a roll of 12"x 250', at ULINE. This is the smallest way they come. It cost me $60.61 which includes the shipping via UPS. I got this in 1 day, but it was located close to where I live.This was one of the cheapest places to get some of this. If you are interested here is the number 1-800-295-5510. item # is s11453. Below is what it looks likes. Yes it is a life time supple but it will pay for itself easily. You may want to share it with other chippers that live close to you.
This is light weight and very safe to send a chip or 2 in. This is a very HUGH savings for this club. If you try and find CRO_NEL that was very hard to get and also using there name cost double the price, as they include a dispenser and that is not needed.
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. I know Greg and a few others have been using this for a long time.