I've been on this quest for information since the mid-90s and cannot get through the red tape; St Louis keeps sending me replacement medals and form letters. Despite my having provided them with both photographic and physical proof, there is the matter of 6 missing Purple Hearts, the Silver Star, and the CIB (automatic Bronze Star), as well as USAAF qualification badges and other missing awards. His MOS is incorrectly listed as well. True to bureaucratic form, they refuse to accept my proof.
I suspect CID has the answer, but whether they'll release the info, I do not know. And in this age of the Patriot Act, I think it's better if I do not contact them at all...I don't want to open that can of worms! At least Mr. Rumsfeld took one of my letters to heart a few years back, and posthumously issued my father the Cold War Certificate. A small accomplishment. Other than that, no luck.
Ironically, Germany has been more than happy to provide me with pages and pages of documents about the Pasternacks who served in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. And they were bombed out and overrun by the Russians. This doesn't say much for our government and its record-keeping abilities. So it goes. I'd have better luck finding the Holy Grail!
Thanks again for posting the link though...I'm sure a lot of people will be able to find good genealogical information for their family histories!
take care,