Clicking around the 'net this morning and dreaming about the Big Show in August. Second year in a row that the convention is gonna save my life. You'd think after 26 days in a row at work I could get Saturday off so's I would feel good about showing up the other 11 days left in May. All scheduled and everything. The New Guy ("Look out for that tree!") was going to work and take care of our 800-pound gorilla customer. Just about to pull out the lawn mower when the cell rings. The New Guy ("Well, it was a small tree.") decided it was his day off as well. The customer was kinda surprised when I showed up and kinda perplexed when I explained that even small trees are around FORTY FEET HIGH AND YOU CAN SEE 'EM FROM A LOOOOONG WAYS OFF! So anyway I need this convention thing to happen.
I ran across this fun review of the Riv poker room, er, area and thought I'd pass it along. There is a picture of it and oddly, Paul Sax isn't at the table. Hmm.
Click on the link to the "Official Riviera Poker Room Website" (!) and you'll see there are two daily NL poker tourneys for $44. 50 chipper, er, player limit. Sure sounds nice today.