My collection and my art are NOT in a museum Don... they are in my house.
You seem to be regular visitor of the Palace in Vegas so you no doubt have heard of Christian Lassen? I have 2 large original pieces of his art in my house and I would hate to learn they were "altered". I mean would you like to learn that that something you bought for $10, $100, $1000, $10,000 is really not worth a fraction of that because it was altered?
Don - May I suggest you sell one of your altered chips and do a shot of Cabo Uno? Wait, what price are you selling your altered chip for?
Think about it...
I have, and an altered chip makes me f'n sick.
If you can't find the Cabo Uno, they probably sell some chip Tequila sh*t out there and you can think of it as an alteration? Hey that will work.