We are please to announce the release of the Playing Card Guide, Book 2. This is the second in a series of 5 books for the playing card collector.
Book 1 covered casinos in Nevada and included over 2000 pictures along with descriptions and history.
Book 2 covers casinos in Atlantic City, California, Colorado (Central City, Cripple Creek and Deadwood), Detroit MI, South Dakota and Washington. These are all non-indian casinos.
This book has over 700 cards pictured along with descriptions for each. The whole book is approx 185 pages with the pictures in full color.
Book 2 can be ordered for $30.00 plus shipping (Priority - $7.00 or Book rate @ $3.00. Check, money order, or PayPal accepted. For PayPal use my e-mail address as the account.
Book 3 will cover Indian casinos and will hopefully be available by convention time. More details to follow.
Any questions, please contact.
Jim & Sandi Steffner
9321 Mt Bret Ave
Unit 103
Las Vegas NV 89129