1. The chips shown below did not sell earlier today,
Steve, your post was at 12:43am (CDT) so give 'em some more time. I know you'll come back and explain that it was 10:43pm in CA but that'd ruin my post.
2. I'm trying to figure out how you got Augustine Casino out of California. Did they teach geography at PS#12 in Glendora?
3. "...a biker bar in Indio??" from yesterday. Steve, Janice was born and raised in Indio - you wanna lighten up?
Robert "Bobby" Doyle, the current Riverside County Sheriff, is an Indio HS alum 1971+/-. You planning on driving this way soon?
And, going to a Dodger game is touchy as Sam Fernandez is Senior VP - General Council, IHS '71+/-.
Nope, not the LA Angels either as Tony Reagins, Director of Player Development is IHS '85+/-.
The director of Jerry McGuire, yup you guessed it, another alum. That's why at the start of the movie he tells about a kid from Indio.
The arresting officer and woman Jimmy Swaggart was arrested with in 1991+/- were alums. You think Jimmy was looking for that “biker bar?”