collection will end in 2006. I know T & A sells pretty well, but this reminds me of the 1970 USPS Postal People issue of 50 different stamps featuring, well, fifty different postal people. That heralded moving from serious commemoritive issues, maybe 10 to 20 a year, to the extravagent number of over 200 different a year. Even the American Philatelic Society "Black Blotted" the issue, comparing it to pre-cancelled eastern bloc and arab emirate issues, that were sold directly from the printer to the collector - non of which were ever meant to be used postally.
It's the next quantum leap in chipping - with the primary use of casino chips evolving from gambling cheques to collector's items.
Anyhow, enjoy your chips, Von. This is not a tirade against you. It's a tirade against the seemingly endless issue of LE's is going to kick the crap out of this hobby. There's NO HISTORY in this junk.