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The Chip Board Archive 17
Re: I show / you show. Bird Inlays!
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I show / you show. Bird Inlays!
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I show / you show. Bird Inlays!
Here are mine
How about Bird Hotstamps...
Guess a Turkey is a bird!
Here are mine
Bird carvings ...............
Aruba Caribbean Casino...
That is a great looking chip...
I can have him email you if you...
I might be interested in one, depending
Thank you for the information, Jim!
I'll shoot you a bird
Bird and a chipper
Re: I show / you show. Bird Inlays!
My favorite bird: Peacock
This one also...
And, of course, this...
Re: I show / you show. Bird Inlays!
More c&s birds
Great stuff - a veritable Audubon Society!
Here's my huge Bird (engraved).
Some of my favorites...
Re: I show / you show. Bird Inlays!
Some of Debby's finest
I forgot to say I stole these from Andy's
Those are Debby's pages. I just...
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