As most of you are aware, recently created Ivory reproductions have flooded ebay. I have checked the bidders and have noticed that several of you have bought these chips thinking they were genuine antiques.
I have checked eBay as far back as I could and have copied scans of all repros (I call them fakes but it was pointed out to me that the term is inaccurate). I have set up space on my website to show these scans (similar to the fantasy pages on the club website). Please check my site before you bid.
BTW, for those that are bidding on the chips for other reasons, be my guest. Just don't buy them thinking they were hand carved over 100 years ago (laser carved a week ago is more like it).
Lastly, for those that have bought these chips, please send me scans so that I can add them to my website.
Although the repro pages can be linked from the home page of my website, here is the direct link to page 1: