but I happen to believe that we DO live in a Christian nation, that intelligent AND religious people are VERY tired of hearing the minority cautions, over and over again, until it almost sounds like it is something we should believe.
You continue to intellectualize your beliefs and I will hold onto my fundamental beliefs that include a genuine respect for all men and women in service to their country. I believe the vast majority of them are serving with the belief that they are protecting their country and countrymen. They do not need to have anyone explain Islamic religion to them or why they should be cautious about offending anyone.
And in case no one has explained this yet, this is NOT President Bush or Vice-President Cheney’s war. It is a war that was started (but not in any purposeful way) while Clinton was in office. If the Democrats have their way, we will lose this war and face even greater threats in the future. I am sad at the prospect of this AND I will make no further comment in this thread.
Rich Hodges