High bid is $130 by Rick Rockwell. Thanx Rick!
Since this is the only bid greater than $125, I'm only on the hook for 1 chip -- so far! Whew!
I read where Doug is raising money for a cure for breast cancer. I hope this might help.
I will auction this genuine antique (not the recent repro stuff currently on ebay) ivory $5 chip. The winner will go to the site mentioned in Doug's post (http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=614636) and make the tax deductible contrbution (don't forget to join "Doug's Team"). Besides the ivory, you will receive Doug's chip, consevatively valued at $10 .
The ivory chip you will receive from me is a NEW FIND (new code IO-OZ). I would value the chip at $125 to $150. Minimum bid on this auction is $75. Anyone that know ivory can see that this is one of the prettier $5s. The scan is from my website. The actually chip you will receive will be different (obviously because each chip was hand carved!!!!!!!!!!!). The chip is most likely from the 1800s, although it is possible that it was made in the 1700s.
If I get 2 bids OVER Here is your chance to own a better than average genuine ivory and not worry about buying a repro.
Post your bid (or email me and I'll post it anonymously, if you like). Auction ends Friday 11:00 pm east cost (is that EST or DST?)