I am home safe and sound. I dove 6 1/2 hours Friday. went straight to Doug Saito's room and met with the 15 chippers already there. There was chip talk, stories, sales, trades and pizza for the next 6 hours. Yes I like Doug's CHIP CHAT and have every copy. Doug puts his DOUG DUST on every casino and chip story that he writes in CHIP CHAT, I am very proud to be a subscriber.
Early Saturday, it was off to CASINORANA. I had a fantastic time. The one thing I like about CASINORAMA is that it was so mellow. Plenty of quality time can be spent at every table. Many dealers were making discounts with the mellow day, all the better to be there. To me it is always a great time when a batch of chippers gets the time to buy, sell, trade and talk chips with no pressure and great prices.
As an added bonus I met 16 year old Sarah Bedo plus saw 6 other chip board poker players at CASINORAMA.
Steve Bedo ----- ditchdog
Jay Sands ------ Smooth7
Marc Shapiro -- iamcomped
Scott Snider --- kklzfan
Norm Clem ----- Clempops
Rich Huber ----- Hubeedoo
I was in Arcadia for 23 hours and drove for 13 hours. I was away from Napa for 36 hours and had a great time, and would do it all again next weekend.
Having fun Steve