Thank you to everyone who came today. I had a good time, I hope everybody else did also. For those unfortunate souls who could not attend (we know who you are) here are the highlights:
Rick and I arrived nearly two hours early, and lo and behold, David Kolenda ad his wife were already settled in. It was great to see him, and he was in great spirits. The four of us had a pleasant visit till the rest arrived (I will let Rick post all the names-he kept the sign in sheet, I'd hate to miss somebody).
Lots of chips got passed around, some trading and sales, and plenty of good conversation. We all received nice crisp gifts of a Bills and a Planet Hollywood (Thanks Bob). There was also a spirited discussion of the club elections, and the proposed constitutional changes.
We also settled a ouple of pieces of business, more on that later. I need to pass on the news to poor sheldon first. I hope we have another gathering before the Convention, and I hope you all can join us ext time. The boys wanna see ya.