I just went to the PO to mail another package and doubled checked it out and it will cost to send 1 chip a $1.13. ALL BUBBLE MAILERS FALL INTO THE PARCEL CATEGORY AFTER THE 14TH. They will not fit through this template example she scanned for me. They will feel the envelopes and make sure its FLAT!!!!! Even the cardboard will not work either. It will also not fit the appropriate size.
Here is the template they use. If they feel that the envelope is not smooth like a letter it will not bet taken as First Class Mail.
Fred...Not sure what your PO knows, but my gal said its going to take awhile for this big change. Some Postal people may not understand it too. If its any thicker then a 1/4" its not a letter amd falls into the Parcel catergory.
Sorry....big jump from $.52 to $1.13.