Archie, actually I don't need anything to remind me about the war on terrorism. All I have to do is think about a very close family friend who is an Army Reserve sergeant who has been stationed in a not so nice place in northern Iraq for close to a year. During that time he has become a grandfather, had one son graduate from high school with another about to, and his financial planning business is basically gone with him not able to pospect any new business for well over a year. He doesn't complain about it (nor am I) because it is what he signed up for and has been training to do his whole, long military career.
So as you can see, I don't need the newspapers, TV, Internet, or that picture to remind me of the war on terrorism. I think about it every day! There may be a place for a picture like that but I don't think it is here on the chipboard! Apparently someone agreed with me because it is gone.