I have found that many people have no idea how to describe a chips condition. Granted it took me a while to figure out how to properly/accurately describe a chips condition. Sending a high-res scan is a good frist start. Reading and asking questions to fellow chippers regarding chip condition as posted on the website. Print the page on the link below and save it for your files.
I have purchased many chips that were described as New, Mint, Excellent, Uncirculated, Straight from the Cage. I have always enjoyed the following line. "I got it straight from the cage so it must be uncirculated."
Unfortunately many of these were (SU), slightly used or worse (A) average. A few of these were purchased from chip dealers/collectors who should have known better. Using your fingers to feel sharp edges is a good first start. Them using a magnifying glass to see if the cross-thatching goes to the edge is another. Even after my Lasix surgery I need to use my magnifying glass to determine condition.
Thanks for reading one of my pet peeves regarding chip collecting. My advise if your not sure how to determine condition, just say chip being sold "As Is."