...298 out of 10,508. And won $1,260.96 Great job, David!
Now pay us.
Andy - Las Vegas
1st - 35% - David Kolenda (I RUN 8S)
2nd 20% - Jim Follis (Gaming Ore)
3rd 9% - Ron Mollica (Moblie Geek)
4th 8% - Walt Dibeler (wallygattor)
5th 7% - Greg Susong (gsusong)
6th 6% - Bob Orme (toofast)
7th 5% - Lance Robertson Sr. (cns1)
8th 4% - Dan Ferris (Jackalope22)
9th 3% - Dennis Shoop (VEGASDS)
10th 2% - Richard Huber (Hubeedoo)
11th 1% - Andy Hughes (TheFarSide)