Terry; I know I'm beating a dead horse here ... but things are not the same in A.C. as they are in Nevada. For example, there is no such thing as a monthly approval list published in A.C. listing new chips, tokens and silver strikes approved, such as there is in Nevada. In fact, most casino employees and table supervisors in A.C. don't even know that new chips are being issued at their own properties on the day a chip is being released. The casinos here rarely announce in advance that a new issue chip is about to be released. 99% of the time, it is by word of mouth among chip collectors when news about new chips are about to be released ... and most of the time only days before hand.
Are you aware that A.C. has not had a new chip released in almost three months? The last A.C. chip issue was back in December at Trump Plaza for a Happy Holidays issue.