Archie, most of my post got removed. The guy from Sweeden, appears to have no understanding of copyright laws or care about them. He's the one who said he was going to make and I Quote Coming Up - Dunes Replicas !!
"I'm pleased to tell you that one of our collaborate chip designers is currently working on some Dunes replicas!
These will most likely be the most amazing replica chips ever created. All 12 original chips will be closely replicated -->
If you wish to read the complete thread minus the post of D Spragg and mine, and maybe others that Matt has deleted here is the link.
I'm not a copyright expext. On the other hand you learn real quick when you pay $345.00 an hour for some of the best in the country to protect your rights. It's not cheap, but the multi million $$ company I work for has had it's share of infringment over the years. I would doubt that anyone is going to go after this guy,do to the cost, but you never know. If he pisses off the right lawyer, he is in for a real awaking. Hopefully he has enough $$$ left to pay them after he gets done take legal action against me.