OK then where?

Messages In This Thread
21 Different Personals - Do I have yours ????
21 Different Personals - Scan #2
- Re: Jeez Doug ya SMOKED me!
- It sure is Dennis. The funny thing is that these
- Re:
21 Different Personals - Do I have yours
- I thought Tom Hanson was doing that??
- Re: Gosh Darnit...
- Geez Dennis and Aaron, give a guy a chance to make
- Since when have you been allowed
- Re: When they pay me for the opinion
- Well you know Aaron, I was actually going to save
- Re: I had no idea...
- You will have to check through mine carefully
- Thanks david, I will try and scan them all this
- Re: LMK what you need Doug!
- Re: Well Thats some GREAT NEWS!!!
Thanks for taking this over, Doug...there will
Thanks Cigarman
- What am I, chopped liver???
- Re: What am I, chopped liver???
- Duh
- onlyif you come fromthe Carnegie deli
- Not CD liver...it stays with ya for months!
- OK then where?
- Adelman's on Ave M in bklyn
- I ate at Katz's Last Wed.
- Hey Barry...
- Grabstiens, Rockaway Pkwy and M
- That's the one...thanks!
- Re: What am I, chopped liver???
- Hey Herring...mind your own business.
- Mike P. you are creaming him!!!!
- Re: Hey Herring...mind your own business.
All in good fun, Mike...
- Mmmmmm, Chopped liver. Now I am getting hungry.
keep it simple...
Copyright 2022 David Spragg