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The Chip Board Archive 16
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NCR: Nominations Most Misspelled Word on TCB
Mark's nomination is a typo and mine show a lack of education. Yours is an actual misspelling.
Messages In This Thread
NCR: Nominations Most Misspelled Word on TCB
There for They're and Your for You're
I agree with Dave, no question!
Re: There for They're and Your for You're
There for Their and Vice Versa...
NCR: Nominations Most Misspelled Word on TCB
You are Probably Right
Re: NCR: Nominations Most Misspelled Word on TCB
two much time too rub to hands
Common mispelled as Rare
Yeah !! *rofl *
You Got It
Winner Winner!!!!
Re: How About...
Re: NCR: Sell for sale.
I've read that Einstein and Edison...
'cause they were both from Joisey!
Surely without doubt, the winner is
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