credit card accepting is now a necessity to doing biz on Ebay or jsut about anywhere else. It is the exact same as a brick and mortar taking cc. How many stores can you go in now days that take cash or bank drafts only??? The only place I can think of is the good ole Waffle House....mmmmmmmm..... Some things I miss about Alabama that Vegas doesn't have LMAO! It is just another part of doing biz. I DON'T like it but charge $2.50 shipping and use the difference to fund the fees. By the way, I don't do it and I HATE THAT!!!
You sell a $500 chip on Ebay, I want it bad. I don't have the $$$ on me. I know I can pay for it w/i a month. I will use a CC on Paypal and get it. If you don't accept PP, I will FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO DOES!! Make sense? Tell Dean to roll w/ the changes and just do like everyone else...grit your teeth, cuss, and accept PP :-) take care