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The Chip Board Archive 16
What does any of that have to do with my question?
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Open a bar with the current monies .
And i deleted the first post because i dont like being refered to as a "fuzzle" or "fuzzle nut".
Check Out My Chips On Ebay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Is there going to be a Building fund Raffle..
Open a bar with the current monies .
What does any of that have to do with my question?
Von U R definately NOT a Fuzzle.
Von, He is a #%*&
Hi King Fuzzle Nut. RIP SplashBar. U R 2 easy. Man
Goodnight little man
and you sir ...... splish splash I was kissin
& I bet you are good at it
Hey Tom, Ever make good on your "Promise" of a
Nope and I won't. The Hell with the building fund.
Everyone has the right to change thier mind.
Like I said I REALLY don't care what U think.
Somebody's word isn't worth much around here!
Re: Tom, When You Rejoined...
Kiss my Kolen. Keep u mouth shut - A/H.
I am not going to give to the building fund ......
Your choice
Kolon is part of his name. Get it. And as far ....
Beware The Troll
U all keep letting this Troll upset U. Dumb @ss's
U must really have @hit to do. 2 type all this!
cut n paste
You can always tell when....
I figured you would jump in. Hello again ! UR#1wMe
Yes, I agree, the whole situation is sad.
I think more annoying than sad.
I think you need to contact Neal Silverman
TY Michael!
Re: Is there going to be a Building fund Raffle..
Re: Is there going to be a Building fund Raffle..
Sure...Nobody Has Entered but The Winners..
Mark, Don't You Think...
Re: Sure...Nobody Has Entered but The Winners..
One of the reasons its rigged is to ensure you
Re: Sure...Nobody Has Entered but The Winners..
Oh, Spare Me...
Re: Oh, Spare Me...
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