And for the newer folks following along at home, Rene was also a price guide author, remember Chip Star? I'm looking at an advert in the Spring 2000 CCTN right now where there resides a full page ad for "The only PRICE GUIDE devoted to Nevada's Limited Edition Casino Chips. Over 800 Color Pictures Over 1400 Chips listed." Never did look through the thing @ $32.95 + $3.55 shipping. He had some wild and wooly ChipBoard exchanges with a member who used the term "pogs" to describe LE's back then and who also used the inscrutable term "dp" to describe Rene.
Don't recall if we got the same Cassandra "tsktsk" posts about folks telling us NO ONE is gonna join yer club if'n you're such a bunch of Battling Bickersons all the time, yadayadayadayada.
Last I heard from Rene was the nice "L" chip I scored for cheap from him on eBay a couple of years ago. I never had a problem with the guy, seemed kind of a hapless young chap who liked the chip biz. At least he wasn't one of the useless trolls we've seem to have attracted since.