I smoked for 33 years. I quit in one day. I paid about $250 for a class called "In control". They explained that your body does not like nicotine. It trys to get rid of it quickly. That is why you need another smoke so quick. They also explained to us about everyones own personal "comfort zone" and how to deal with having a new one without nicotine. As one other poster has said you really have to "want" to quit and that is why he recommended making a list of why you want to quit because you will want to go back and read it a lot to offer your own incouragement. When you have convinced yourself that you really want to quit you will. Just like that and you can never ever take a drag on one of the nasty bas@#$%^ again. The thoughts stay with you for a long time but that is all they are "thoughts" your body does not want the crap inside it. You will not stop for someone else... Dr./Wife/kid... you have to stop for yourself. Believe me you will feel alot better in a couple of weeks. More so than you can imagine. The BS about the flowers and better taste is that BS. It takes a while to re-aquire those things. You will know you have won when you come home walk in and say juese this place stinks. You will want to take everything outside and air it out for a week or so. Good Luck believe me it is worth it!!!